• PTA Meeting, Monday October 7th

    Log on to the next PTA member meeting for October! We'l'l be talking EagleFest, Book Fair and all things Fall! See the PTA Newsletter for the Zoom link.

  • May 2 Summitt PTA Meeting

    Please join us in the library for our Summitt PTA meeting on 05/02 at 6PM.We will be approving the PTA budget for the 2022-2023 school year. Xin mời tham dự cuộc họp trong thư viện của […]

  • PTA Meeting, Monday, February 7th at 6pm

    Hi PTA Members!Phụ huynh thân mến, Our next Summitt PTA General meeting is February 7th at 6pm on Zoom. We will be discussing the budget, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and get an update from Mrs. Greco. Texas PTA is […]
