Eagle Fest is Saturday, October 26th from 3-6pm! Remember, all money raised goes directly back to the PTA and our school. Sign-up to volunteer at this amazing event. We can’t do it without your help! Please also consider purchasing an item from the Eagle Fest Amazon Wishlist to help the Committee prepare for the event.

Online sales for Eagle Fest Tickets have now closed! Eagle Fest volunteers will be at Summitt Elementary tomorrow morning and after school (Friday, October 25th, 2024). It’s taking place, Saturday October 26th from 3:00 – 6:00 PM.
Kids Wristbands will be sold at $30.00 the day of the Eagle Fest so get your wristbands early!
Adult Wristbands will be sold at can be bought for $15.00!
Tickets will be sold in $5 bundles (10 tickets).
Visit our Eagle Fest FAQ for more information.
Haunted House Volunteers
Attention 5th Grade Parents!
5th grade is in charge of setting up and running the Haunted House at Eagle Fest! Parents, we’ll need your help, so sign up here. 5th grade students have a sign-up in the annex to pick their roles. We’re also collecting donations to purchase new props for the Haunted House.
Venmo @jenny-cohodes or email [email protected] for more info.
Donation Requests
To support Eagle Fest, please drop off grade level donations at the front of school between October 14th – 25th! All grades please bring store-bought baked goods ONLY on October 24th & 25th. See flyer for more information.
Become an Eagle Fest Sponsor!
We have a variety of way for you to support our Fall fundraiser! Please see the sponsorship levels for Eagle Fest below. Email [email protected] for more information or to submit a company logo:
$250: SILVER SPONSORS will have their company logo on our Eagle Fest event page.
$500: GOLD SPONSORS will have their company logo on our Eagle Fest event page and shout out on our social media platforms.
$1000: SIGNAGE or ACTIVATION SPONSORS will have their company logo on our Eagle Fest event page, shout out on our social media platforms, a personal thank you, and your company logo on the activation signage.
$2000 TRACKLESS TRAIN SPONSOR will receive the following efforts:
- Company logo on Eagle Fest event page.
- Company logo on promotional flyers to 750+ families.
- Shout out to company during event via MC/DJ.
- Representative to share/promote company to community during event.
- Company logo on activation signage.
- Company logo/signage on both trackless trains.
Volunteer Needs
Please sign up to staff a booth! We need your help running a game or booth at Eagle Fest!
Please sign up using this link: https://signup.com/go/ncCepop