• Newsletter, Oct. 31, 2018

    Halloween candy donations Wondering what to do with all that left-over Halloween candy? Donate it to the Summitt Service Team! They will be bagging up all wrapped candy and sending it overseas to military service members. […]

  • Newsletter, Oct. 24, 2018

    Safe Routes to School Survey Please take 5 minutes to complete the below survey and add your suggestions on the accompanying maps. This is especially important if your child walks or bikes to school. It […]

  • Newsletter, Oct. 17, 2018

    Eagle Fest on Saturday Come out and support our school at Eagle Fest, Saturday, Oct. 20, 3-6 pm. All the important information is here. Sign up to volunteer here. Sign up to help in any […]

  • Newsletter, Oct. 3, 2018

    Scroll to the bottom of the Newsletter for the latest Eagle Fest News! Koblenz Movie Night on Friday Come join the fun at Summitt Movie Night on Friday, October 5. We will be showing “Paddington […]