Letter from Principal Standish
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we begin our third week of school, I would like to send out a huge thank you for getting your student(s) to school on time daily as well as working together for a smooth pick up in the afternoons. It Is important for your student’s academic success to be prepared for learning and not rushing into class after instruction has begun. I also appreciate those who are waiting in the main hallway at the end of the school day leaving a clear pathway so that our students can pass safely. It has been a wonderful start to an exciting school year. If you have not already joined Summitt’s PTA, please consider getting involved. Your support supports your student’s academic success as well as our wonderful staff.

How many of you have heard of the FABPAC (Facilities and Bond Public Advisory Committee)? If you haven’t, please watch the following video to give you an overview of what has been happening at AISD in conjunction with the FABPAC:  https://youtu.be/FT9cGvO6aWc . Thank you again for your support of Summitt Elementary.

Dedra Standish

Kona Ice on Friday
Kona Ice will be available after school on Friday, Sept. 9. This is only available to students who are being picked up. Bus riders cannot buy because they cannot take it on the bus. If you usually pick up your child in the carpool lane, please park your car while you wait for your child to order. This frees up the carpool line for others who are picking up.

PTA meeting on Monday
Join us for the first PTA general meeting on Monday, Sept 12 at 6:30 p.m. The topic will be about what the PTA does and how you can become involved.

Homeroom Parent Informational Meetings
If you already signed up to be homeroom parent, or are interested in becoming a homeroom parent for your child’s classroom, please attend one of the informational meetings listed below.

The first one is Thursday, September 7, at 7:45 am, in the Summitt Library. A homeroom parent coordinator will provide you with a small packet of information. We will go over the responsibilities of the position and the schedule of events at Summitt this year. We’ll also talk about recommendations on how best to communicate with your class families as well as organizational tips to make your school year easier. Please contact Alisa Dean ([email protected]) with any questions. Other meeting dates are below. You just need to attend one meeting.

  • Thursday, September 7, 7:45 am, Summitt Library

  • Monday, September 12, 7:45 am, Summitt Library

  • Wednesday, September 14, 6:30 pm, Summitt Library


Mid-Autumn Festival
Come celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival on Friday, September 16, at 6:30 pm, in the Summitt cafeteria. We will have a student talent show, games, art and crafts, lantern parade and lion dancing for entertainment. Tickets will be sold at the school front door at 6 pm on the day of the celebration. Admission is $3 per person. Food is $7 per plate including a drink. Food, drinks, pizzas and concession items will be available for purchase starting at 6 pm. There will be a free lantern and treats for children with an entry ticket. Our Mid-Autumn Festival celebration benefits the AISD Vietnamese Dual Language Program. See you at the celebration!

GT Testing Information
Dear Parents/Guardians of Summitt Students: This school year we are piloting a change in the Gifted and Talented (GT) Screening Process at Summitt Elementary. We will be testing students in grades 3-5 in the Fall 2016 Semester with the nomination window of September 12-23. Students in grades K-2 will be tested in the Spring 2017 Semester with the nomination window of January 13-27. This change will allow younger students to have an opportunity to adjust to the new school year and produce quality work samples required for the GT portfolio before the students participate in the lengthy GT Screening Process. The GT Screening Process does include online testing which is timed and the gathering of student work samples for the Student GT Portfolio. By separating students into two groups for testing, the campus will be able to test students in smaller groups and provide teachers with more time to collect student work samples and other screening data for younger students.

The following link offers the nomination paperwork and parental forms to be signed and to be returned to Summitt before any testing can begin. www.austinisd.org/academics/advancedacademics/gifted/parent-corner. For questions or more information, contact Denise Richey, [email protected]

Summitt Family Night at Jason’s Deli
Our first Summitt Family Night will be on Thursday, Sept. 15 from 5-10 p.m. at Jason’s Deli, 10225 Research Blvd. Family Nights are a great opportunity to catch up with other Summitt families and support a great cause. Come by, tell them you’re with Summitt and Jason’s Deli will donate 15 percent of the sale to Summitt PTA. This applies to To-go orders, too. If you’re planning to attend or even thinking about it, you can sign up so Jason’s Deli will know what kind of crowd to expect: http://www.groupraise.com/events/13097

Back to School Night
Back to School Night will be on Tuesday, Sept. 20. It will be from 6-6:45 p.m. for PreK-2; Grades 3-5 begins at 6:45 p.m. This is an opportunity for teachers to talk more in depth to parents about the school year.

Summitt shirt sale
Summitt t-shirt order forms are going home this week. We have short sleeve and long sleeve shirts for sale at $15 each. Order early…while supplies last. Please send exact change in cash or checks made out to Summitt PTA.

We have a special sale on Youth Small short sleeve shirts: it’s only $10 per shirt. The short sleeves ran a little towards the smaller side. These would be great for PreK and Kinder students, so get them at this special price before they’re gone.

Cub Scouts at Summitt
Is your son in first- through fifth- grade and interested in camping and hiking outdoors, pinewood derbies, and doing fun activities? If so, please attend our Cub Scout Rally Night on Thursday, September 8th from 6:30pm to 7:45pm at the Summitt Elementary Cafeteria. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]

Message regarding Extend-A-Care at Summitt
Message from Principal Standish regarding Extend-A-Care’s (EAC) use of the playground and indoor facilities after school:

Extend-A-Care pays to use the Summitt campus. Summitt benefits from their choosing Summitt in several ways. First, it provides an on campus after school choice for our families and staff which is educational, dependable and a safe choice. Second, Summitt receives monies which supports the purchase of materials for our students and staff instruction. With that being said, I wanted to explain a few rules and guidelines to help support EAC keeping our students safe which is one of my number one priorities.

1. EAC staff and students are not allowed to open any doors except for their door bell for their parents to pick up their children. This is located on the side of the building by the music hallway door near the teacher parking lot.

2. If EAC students are playing on the playground, students who are not part of the program can not play in the same area. EAC staff are responsible for only their students at all times. EAC students and non-EAC students can not play together after school.

3. If you and your student needs to use the bathroom before heading home at the end of the school day, please have your student use the bathroom in their classroom. EAC staff has to clear the bathroom if another non-EAC student or adult must enter the bathroom. If need be, EAC staff can do this. Please be patient as the students are cleared and then must wait until you and your child are finished.

4. EAC currently has over 90 students in their program. You will see EAC staff with groups throughout the building. Thank you for providing them their space to provide instruction and to keep students staff.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or Extend A Care.

Thank you -Dedra Standish

Save the Date – Grandparent’s Celebration Luncheon
We will celebrate Summitt’s grandparents on Wednesday, Nov. 16. They will have an opportunity to bring lunch or purchase a school lunch and eat with their grandchild.

Office Depot fundraising opportunity
In support of schools, Office Depot has to put together a 5% fundraiser to qualifying schools to help you raise funds for the school this coming year. Every time you purchase items at Office Depot, just tell them this code: 70094597 and five percent of the qualified purchases will go to Summitt! Don’t have the ID number? That’s OK, just tell them to look up Summitt and the school will get the credit. Anyone can use this code, so please spread the word. More info is here.


Parents Night Out with Anderson Robotics
Enjoy a Parents Night Out while your kids (K-5th grade) enjoy an evening of fun and all things robot. Night of the Robots with the Anderson High School Robotics Team will be on Friday, September 23, 5:30-9 pm, at the new Applied Technology Building, Anderson HS. Your child(ren) will see VEX and humanoid robots in action, build with legos, eat pizza, make robot crafts and watch the movie Inside Out. It’s $33/child. Register at: https://nightofrobots.splashthat.com/ or contact [email protected] for more information.

Anderson Spirit Fest
This is THE back‐to‐school event that builds unity and school spirit within the Anderson community. Join us for food and fun on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 4-7 p.m. You will have the opportunity to purchase all kinds of spirit gear and enjoy several activities.

The event will conclude with a Pep Rally at 6:30 pm. Be ready to do a shout‐out for your school with your Principal! Rain or shine – the Spirit Fest will go on! We look forward to seeing you! Questions? Email the TSF16 Committee at [email protected]

Young Rembrandts sign up
Young Rembrandts will have art classes at Summitt beginning Wednesday, Sept. 14. Experience the colorful magic of fall with Young Rembrandts. Kick off the season with a graphic iguana, a Minecraft-inspired pixel block character and an architectural drawing of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Later, students immerse themselves in the season by drawing a detailed scarecrow and a challenging patterned bat. What are you waiting for? Check out the flyer.  Enroll today!

NWAYBA Basketball Season 
Calling all youth basketball players. Northwest Austin Youth Basketball Association (NWAYBA) registration opens September 1 and spaces will fill up fast. NWAYBA is open to boys and girls of all skill levels from first grade through high school. We are actively looking for 1st and 2nd graders. Skills will be taught and game experience is fun! ALL-GIRLS teams are available for grades 1-2, 3-4, and 5-7. Girls receive special headbands for play. Check the NWAYBA website for more information.