It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Please remember our classroom teachers, substitute teachers, special education teachers, Vietnamese program teachers, One World, PPCD, Life Skills, Res/Inclusion, speech, and special area (PE, art, music, technology) teachers for all the hard work they do. Our teachers inspire our students to achieve their greatest potential, and their influence continues long after the students’ days are memories. Please encourage your child to sign the laminated posters near their classrooms, send a card or note to school to tell them how much they mean to you and your child, or bring a treat to show your appreciation. They all deserve to be recognized for their important role in our school community.

Principal Fireside Chat
Please join us for our last Principal Fireside Chat of the year on this Thursday at 6:00 pm.
STAAR Testing Dates
Monday, May 13– 3rd and 4th grade STAAR testing, 5th grade retest
Tuesday, May 14 – 3rd and 4th grade STAAR testing, 5th grade retest
Wednesday, May 15 – 5th grade STAAR testing
Thursday, May 16 – retest
** Please note that parents are not allowed on campus during STAAR testing due to confidentiality and security. Please schedule lunch with your student on another day.
The library will also be closed these days.
This is for all grade levels due to testing groups in rooms throughout the campus.

News From the Librarian, Mrs. Richey
1. Books are Due – All student library books are due this, Friday, May 10. Please check in the car, the couch, under the bed, and in the backpack and get those booked turned in!
BUT. . .what am I going to read now?!! Parents and students are reminded to take advantage of our virtual library via the student portal or through our online catalog at http://catalog.austinisd.org for thousands of books for grades pre-k and up.
2. Book Swap Summitt’s Library will host the 3rd Annual Summer Book Swap on Wed – Fri, May 22-24
What’s a book swap?
A Book Swap is free event in which students can bring in a book that they have already read, and swap it for a book that another student has brought in. This is a great way to get a few more miles on some of those book fair books you bought back in the fall.
How do I participate?
Bring in up to 5 books any time before, Wed, May 22. Mrs. Richey will give you a Golden ticket for every book you bring for the swap. Starting, Wed, May 22, Mrs. Richey will call students down to the library to cash in their tickets for a “new-to-you” book.
Who can participate?
Any Summitt student, teacher, or parent
Can I bring ANYTHING?
Please bring in reading books only–no sticker, color, or work books–that are in decent condition.
3. Guinea Pig Time Share
Also, if you would like to be part of the Guinea Pig Summer 2019 Time Share, click HERE to sign up for a week with Mouse and Whiskers.

Mrs. Flemings’ Retirement Celebration
Mrs. Heather Fleming is retiring and she wants to see all of her current and former students! She’s having a Reunion/Retirement celebration on Saturday, May 18, from 4-7 pm in the Summitt Cafeteria. There will be class pictures to enjoy, some videos to laugh at, an open mic to share your stories, and some light refreshments. Everyone who has been impacted by her is invited, so bring your family along.
School Health Team Appreciation Next Week
AISD recognizes this week as School Health Team Appreciation Week (this Sunday, May 12, is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing). However, Summitt’s Appreciation Team wanted to set aside a week entirely focused on our school’s Health Team, Glenda Simmons and ChaKyra Sealie. Help us to celebrate them next week, May 13-17, by sending your student to school with a thank you card or special treat. From tending to cuts and bruises to caring for those with an upset stomach, they do so much for the health and well being of our Summitt campus. Let’s show them our appreciation!

Summer Movie Night at Summitt
Friday, May 17th at 6:30pm. We will be showing “Wreck it Ralph 2” and “Incredibles 2” in the cafeteria and the Great Hall.
A ticket will get you a snack pack with popcorn, a sweet, and a drink. Bring a blanket or a chair if you’d like. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movies start around 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday tickets will be on sale before school in the car line (for exact change or check) and after school outside in front of the school for $5.00. Tickets at the door will be $6.00. You may also purchase tickets by filling out the purchase tab at the bottom of the movie flyer and return it to your child’s teacher along with your check or cash payment. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Proceeds will benefit the Koblenz Exchange Program.

Outdoor Beautification Update
Thank you so much to Kenny and Corinna Crockett, Mary Ann and Eddy Thomas, Mike Hennessy, and Laura Romer for all their AMAZING work installing our new butterfly gardens this last weekend as part of our Bright Green Futures grant. Our campus is looking beautiful, but we still have more work to do.
Join us Saturday, May 18th, at 9 am for our final work day of the year. We have just a few more areas to plant and mulch. Please bring shovels, gardening tools, gloves, sunscreen, and water.
Spring Fling Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Spring Fling Silent Auction. We had a successful event and appreciate all the support of our donors. If you won an auction item but weren’t present at Spring Fling, your items are waiting for you in the front office. Please get them at your earliest convenience.
Soar Into Kinder
Tues, May 28 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am, Check-in begins at 9:30 am
Please register your incoming Kindergartener for Soar Into Kinder hosted by Summitt’s Kinder teachers. The event will give new students a taste of Kindergarten, as students participate in fun events right in the classroom!
A parent information session will be held during this time so that students can become acclimated to Kindergarten, while parents have time to learn about the campus and what to expect as a Kindergarten family at Summitt Elementary School. At the end of the presentation, students will be escorted by the Kinder teachers to meet their parents, and take a tour around the campus.
To register your family to attend Soar Into Kinder, please email [email protected] for access to the Google Form.
Join the PTA in helping Summitt & your child
Did you know that an active and engaged family is directly related to student success? Now is your chance to get involved, get connected, benefit your child, and help out Summitt Elementary. Please review and consider the list of PTA program positions available for the 2019-2020 school year. For more detailed info about a position, please email the officers overseeing the committees on the above document.

Order School Supplies for next year
It is fast, easy! Simply a few clicks and a box with the exact supplies your child will need for their school supply lists will be delivered to your child’s classroom before the 1st day of school. Save yourself the time of shopping and support our school – each purchase also provides a donation to our school. The order deadline is June 30th! To order clickhere! Vietnamese translation is here.
BOX TOPS is going digital
Thank you to all families who have helped us raise money by collecting Box Tops for our school. Soon, the physical BOX TOP clips will be replaced by families scanning in their receipts for eligible products into a new mobile app. This is an effort to modernize the process and eliminate the time and expense of collecting, clipping, organizing, and mailing physical BOX TOPS. Look for more detailed information on this big change, including the new mobile app, in June. In the meantime, please continue to clip and submit any physical BOX TOPS as they will all be accepted until the expiration date.
The Summer Reading Initiative
Thanks to all who donated! Our goal was met so the program will be happening again this year! Research regarding the summer slide.
Summitt Summer Camps
The last day to register is May 17 and approaching fast. We’d love for your students to be a part of the first ever Camp Summitt! Camp will be divided into two 1 week sessions from 9am to 3pm with extended hours available if needed. Proceeds from Summitt Summer Camp are used to fund school-wide needs such as technology, classroom materials and professional development. Click here for details.
Enroll Your Child for 2019-2020 School Year TODAY
If you have not already, please Enroll NOW (scroll down for returning students). Enrolling early helps Summitt prepare accurately for the upcoming school year to minimize having to shift kids and teachers at the last minute. Early registration is also important because you will not be placed on a class list for Meet the Teacher Day until you have online registered.
Mark your calendars for next year:
The District of Innovation Days for the Anderson Vertical Team for the 2019-2020 school year are currently set as follows, which means no school for students:
Davis, Doss, Hill, Pillow, Summitt, and Murchison:
- September 23
- October 11
- January 7
- February 14
- October 11
- January 7
- February 14
Goodwill:Thank you! to Platinum Balloon Decor for donating the amazing balloon decorations for our Spring Fling Event.
AISD and Community Events:
Batteries, Oil, Paint, Antifreeze, Plastic Film and Styrofoam Collection Event
Milwood Neighborhood Association will be hosting their BOPA Collection Event THIS Saturday, May 11 from 8am to 9:45am. Sponsored by Karl Hanson and H&H Build and Design. Details HERE. It is free to all current MNA members and others can still participate by making a suggested donation of $10 to Balcones Park. It is a great opportunity to clean out those garages of unwanted items that can’t be placed in the trash bins.
Protest Your Property Taxes – Deadline: May 15
Protest before the May 15 deadline to get the chance to save big money. Unsure of how? Check out MNA’s meeting notes HERE
End of School Bash – Movie in the Park (Save the Date)
On Fri, May 24 come celebrate the end of the school year with a movie in Balcones Park, popcorn and snow cones!!! Come early to play on the park and get your spot. Movie will start at 7:30. Event link HERE. Hosted by Shannon Reeve, Realty Austin.
Sign up for Affordable Swim Classes at Balcones Pool or others
Austin offers swim classes for ALL ages: babies to adult. It’s never too early or late to learn to swim or improve your technique. The Swim Lessons are in 2 week groups of 8 classes on every Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri for 30 minutes and only $57! Then you can stay and practice what you learn before and after! A great way to get your kids swimming! https://www.austintexas.gov/swimming & More info
To Register click HERE & choose the Aquatics box in the first row of pics.
Call 512-974-9330 or email [email protected]
Financial Aid is available.
City of Austin is hiring lifeguards
A great summer job that teaches you wonderful life skills. Starting pay is $15/hr. Must be 15 years or older. The city needs lifeguards to staff up our pools so please spread the word. Info on getting started HERE
AHS Cheer & Mascot Camp
June 10-13 from 9am-4pm at Anderson High School
Ages: Kinder thru 8th (as of Fall 2019)
Cost: $235
Register online at www.trojancheer.org
Kids will be grouped by grade levels and learn cheers, dance routines, as well as drum-line dances, stunts, mascot techniques and the Trojan Fight song routine. Craft projects and snacks provided too! Camp attendees will be invited to cheer with the Varsity team at a football game this fall!
The 5 Book Dive Event is here
Sat. May 18 from 9am to 2:30pm at AISD Performing Arts Center
Geared towards readers grades 3-6 but all are welcome.
Details here
The 5 Book Dive is an Austin ISD summer reading program created in 2016 by Superintendent Dr. Paul Cruz. The purpose of the program is to encourage all students to read at least five self-selected books over the summer. Summer is a great time for students to relax with a book (or magazine, or comic, or whatever) and experience the pleasure of reading just for fun! And research has shown that reading just five books can protect students from a drop in reading levels known as the “summer slide”, which disproportionately affects lower-income students (Alexander, Entwisle, & Olson, 2007; Kim, 2004).
Anderson High School Theater Camp
Online Registration is now open for the Anderson High School Kids Summer Theater Camp, July 15-19, at Anderson High School. The Story Explorer Theater Camp runs from 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. each day and is open to students who will be in grades 1-8 during the 2019-2020 school year. Early drop off and late pickup is available. https://www.andersontheater.org/
Austin Sunshine Camp
Austin Sunshine Camps has provided free fun-filled overnight summer camp programs for the children of the greater Austin area (Travis, Williamson, Caldwell, Hays and Bastrop counties) since 1928. All summer camp programs are provided free of charge for all campers who meet the 2018-2019 free or reduced school meals income eligibility guidelines. More details can be found here: https://www.sunshinecamps.org/summer-camp/
Boys & Girls Summer Soccer Camp
Hosted by Anderson High School Soccer
It’s not too early to start thinking about summer camp! Your player is invited to attend Anderson High School’s Girls Soccer Team coed summer soccer camp the week of June 7th. We teach all levels of girl and boy campers! This is a GREAT way to Support Anderson High School and have a ton of fun!
For students ages 5 – 15
Dates & Times: June 3rd– June 7th, 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Location: Anderson High School Soccer Fields, 8403 Mesa Drive Austin, TX 78759
What We’ll Provide: Camp Soccer Ball, Camp T-shirt, Snacks, get coached by our coaches (Coach McGough played at UT – hook’em and /Coach Patton at Syracuse) as well as our JV & Varsity players
Registration Link
All for the low price of $150. Click here for more information.
Digital Citizenship Guide – FREE to AISD Families & PTAs
Stratfor, a local company with global reach, has created a new Digital Citizenship Guide for students and parents. It’s part of Stratfor’s Cyber Security Basics series. This 108-page report is written to help provide tools and guidance for parents, teachers, and students about topics such as social media, privacy, cyber-bullying, online gaming, dark web, digital rights and more. Most users have to buy the report. The author is making it available at no cost to the AISD community. To get the report for free, please use this link: https://www.austinisd.org/technology/cyber-safety
Scroll down to the two links for Stratfor and it will take you to a landing page. People just need to provide name and email address and it will bring up the report in a new window. From there, they can download it.
Camp Braveheart
Families can now apply for 2019’s Camp Brave Heart! Hospice Austin’s Camp Braveheart is an amazing and free of cost experience for students who have a death loss of a parent. Please help us spread the word. Camp will be Monday, August 5th – Wednesday, August 7th. To go directly to our Camp Brave Heart page or for a link to the application, click here.
Helping Our Children Grow and Develop Workshop
Tuesday May 21, 2019 from 6-7:30pm – In this workshop, caregivers will learn about standard behavior within the developmental stages from ages five to fourteen. Caregivers will leave with knowledge about challenging behaviors that can arise during each stage and strategies that they can use to help navigate through these challenges.
Cost: $20 per person
*Free childcare for children over 2. Space is limited, so register quickly to reserve a spot.
Looking for a Two Day a Week Preschool Option for Younger Kids?
Check out Milwood Preschool. they still have a few spots left. Details here.
Join your friends at these Milwood Library events
Check out these upcoming Kid Events to help foster reading and learning.
Events/Programs for Children:
- Early Literacy Playgroup 1st Tues of each month 11am
- Books and Babies 1st Tues of each month 2pm
- Toddler Story Time every Thurs 10:15am
- Preschool Story Time every Thurs 11am
- Bow Wow Reading every Fri 4pm
- Lego Lab every 2nd Tues 3:30pm
- Chinese Mandarin-English Story Time 3rd Tues of each month 3:30pm
- Pajama Story Time every 4th Tues of each month 6pm
Walk-In Clinic
The Austin Child Guidance Center (ACGC) is also offering their Walk-In Counseling Service Clinic. Children up to the age of 17 as well as other family members can be seen without having to wait for an appointment. Caregivers can be seen without their child to consult about problem behavior, seek advice or get direction. Family members can for be seen for one walk-in session or return for more. Services can be provided in English or Spanish.
More info here or call (512) 451-2242