Your child goes to the library every other week. Our amazing librarian, Ms. Richey, plans many wonderful things and events for our students. Drop by and you may get to visit the library pet, enjoy a pancake breakfast, sign up for Birthday Book Club, and of course, check out the many great books. All classes come to the library. Books can be checked out for two weeks.
Birthday Book Club
The Summitt Elementary Birthday Book Club is a way to celebrate your child’s birthday by donating a book in your child’s name to our school library. Your student will be recognized at Friday’s assembly the week of their birthday. Additionally, a special bookplate will be put inside the front of their book, and they will be the first to check it out.
If you are interested or want to learn more, please stop by the library, call, or email Ms. Richey at [email protected] or 512-414-4249.
Book Fairs
Summitt hosts two book fairs annually. The first is hosted by PTA, and the second is hosted by the library. Both fairs provide a wonderful opportunity for families to stock up on some great new titles while also supporting our school. If you are interested in volunteering at this fall’s book fair contact [email protected].